“Inside China’s brutal execution system with mobile injection vans & firing squads after killing most in the world”

News Clippings

There are still people who are convinced that socialism, or it’s close cousin, communism, “just haven’t been done right”.

“Democratic socialism” is the most recent rebranding these systems of evil.

Here is a timely reminder of what happens when socialism and communism “works”.

While other nations had total figures, China’s shadowy death penalty system left the human rights group only able to offer a grim estimate of “thousands”.

FTA/ Firing squads and lethal injections are two favourite methods of execution used by China.

Killer jabs were legalised by the regime in the 90s and are sometimes administered in one of the state’s mobile “execution vans”.

Convicts are said to loaded into van and strapped to a table where they administered the lethal injection.

Organs are then believed harvested from executed prisoners without any permission for use in medicine and scientific experiments.

Amnesty International has named China as the world’s worst executor by a large margin – with its body count believed to be larger than the rest of the world’s combine total of 657.

While other nations had total figures, China’s shadowy death penalty system left the human rights group only able to offer a grim estimate of “thousands”.

Amnesty’s China researcher Kai Ong told The Sun Online how China often holds mass rallies to announce people being sentenced to death in medieval-style public trials.

Ms Ong said: “The Chinese government still sees the use of the death penalty as an effective deterrent to crimes.

“Each June, local governments often hold mass sentencing rallies, in which students, teachers and the public are invited to witness the court handing down death penalty to individuals convicted of drug-related crimes.” /

You can vote your way into socialism or communism, but you have to shoot your way out. 😞

Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13939633/china-brutal-execution-death-vans-trials/

Additional source: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/international/executions-around-the-world

“Dubious distinction for Ohio GOP leaders: Only ones in US to ignore a court order”

News Clippings

FTA/ That ultimate weapon of the judicial system, finding someone in contempt of court for violating its order, was not realistic, O’Connor said. …
“I don’t have a force that would go over and handcuff them if they were found to be in contempt.” /

When the Supreme Court of Ohio holds anyone on contempt, any county sheriff is enpowered to arrest and hold them.
The fact that life long Republican politico Maureen O’Connor, Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, doesn’t have confidence in the power of judicial censure, at the highest level, lays bare that we are not a state of laws, but corruption and dirty influence.
How can we pretend to have “free and fair” elections when we don’t even trust the lines in the sand?
With O’Connor retired and the seismic shift in the Ohio Supreme Court, can we expect even this tepid rebuke in the future?
Packed with reliable rubber stamps, including his own son and recently appointed life long crony, will the Ohio Supreme Court finally shrug off the pretense of fair justice and turn actively hostile to any and all that dare oppose the DeWine regime?
How will Ohio thrive with two branches of state govt fully grasped in the clutches of one family?

Source: https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/dubious-distinction-for-ohio-gop-leaders-only-ones-in-us-to-ignore-a-court-order-republicans-government-maureen-oconnor-mike-dewine-steven-huefner
Additional Reference: https://governor.ohio.gov/media/appointments/governor-dewine-to-appoint-joseph-t-deters-to-ohio-supreme-court-12222022

Run for Columbus City Council!

Starting this year Columbus City Council elections will be kinda based on 9 districts.
We say kinda, because while candidates will be required to reside within 1 of the 9 districts to run for that district, form a 5 person committee and collect 250 valid signatures from district residents, the actual primary and election will be _-= city wide =-_ (same as ever).

The same 50k-ish voters will continue to control what happens in Columbus, despite the charter amendment that everyone thought was meant to adopt ward-style elections.

Signature Requirement (City Council) … Min. 250 – No Max.c
Filing Deadline … 4:00 p.m., February 1, 2023
Filing Fee … $45.00 ($20.00 petition filing fee & $25.00 O.E.C. fee)

Contact us to discuss next steps for forming your committee, collecting valid signatures, getting on the ballot and fundraising.

Source: https://vote.franklincountyohio.gov/BOEL-website/media/Election-Info/2023/(1)%20Primary%20Election%20-%20May%202,%202023/(1)%20Notices%20of%20Election/2023-Primary-Schedule-4.pdf

Regional Development Meeting – Pickaway

Wed, July 27 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Learn about ballot access, running for local office, state and local issues, and developing a county party to support local candidates and issues.

Jackie Ray’s Grill 20 Cromley St 
Ashville, OH 43103 United States

Get directions and learn more: https://www.fclpo.org/event/regional-development-meeting-pickaway/

FCLP at the Stonewall Pride March and Festival

Thanks to everyone who volunteered and donated for our successful float and booth at the Stonewall Pride March and Festival!

Kudos to Drake and Cooper Lundstrom for their patience and charm, spell binding the crowd with balloon twisting artistry!

Your support makes events like this possible! Please donate, volunteer or get involved!

Donate today to support Irvine for Ohio and our Libertarian candidates across the state!
Donate today to support Franklin County Libertarian candidates and issues!

FCLP Committee Updates

During the 5/17/2022 business meeting for the Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio Central Committee the following actions were taken.

The following individuals were elected to the following roles:

Central Committee

  • Chair – Michael Sweeney
  • Vice-Chair – John Stewart
  • Treasurer – Chris Gill 
  • Secretary – Ken Holpp

Executive Committee

  • Chair – Michael Sweeney
  • Vice-Chair – Drake Lundstrom
  • Treasurer – Pat Hoffman
  • Secretary – Ken Holpp
  • At Large – Jordan Bertke
  • At Large – John Stewart
  • At Large – Chris Gill

After the elections we discussed and voted on the following changes to the FCLPO By-Laws:

Bylaw D – Central Committee, Section 2.

In the event the Secretary of State denies ballot access as a recognized party, Central Committee shall dissolve at the end of their term. After dissolution a new Executive Committee will be chosen by direct election and assume the duties of this committee not already conferred.

FCLP Bylaws. https://www.fclpo.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FranklinCountyBylaws_rev2022.pdf

These changes were adopted by unanimous vote and should be considered applied to the current Central and Executive Committee. 

Thanks to everyone for your patience and generous assistance.

Michael Sweeney

Chair, Franklin County Libertarians

2022 FCLP Central Committee Election Closed

The following individuals have been elected to the Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio Central Committee.

  • John S. Stewart – Gahanna Ward 04
  • Patrick J Hoffman – Madison Township
  • Kenneth D. Holpp – Worthington Ward 01
  • Michael Sweeney – Gahanna Ward 03
  • Jordan T Bertke – Hilliard Ward 04
  • David Nadolny – Worthington Ward 02

The meeting of the full committee, election for Central Committee officers and Executive Committee officers, will occur  at the next regular county party business meeting on May 17th, 2022.

Help get the Libertarian Party back on the ballot!

We need your help to get the Libertarian Party regain ballot access in Ohio. This article helps explain what ballot access is, why it is important to us, and why the Libertarian Party of Ohio does not currently have it. To volunteer, check the “Circulate Petitions” or “Validate Petitions” box on the Volunteer form.

What is “ballot access”?

“Ballot access” is the right to put a political party label under a candidate’s name on the ballot. Having ballot access also enables a party to hold a primary. Under Ohio law (ORC 3501.38, amended in 2013 by Senate Bill 193), a political party must get 3% of the vote for Governor or 3% of the vote for President to gain ballot access for four years. The party must again get 3% of the vote for President or Governor to renew its access for another four years. Supporters of SB 193 designed and timed this bill to prevent the Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO) from appearing on the ballot in 2014. To correct this injustice, the LPO filed several lawsuits. The federal district court in the first case,  Libertarian Party of Ohio v. Husted, ordered the Secretary of State to keep the LPO on the ballot in 2014 (Court documents).  This case went to the Supreme Court of the United States, which decided to let stand a federal appeals court ruling against the LPO. A suit filed in the state court system in 2015 challenged the constitutionality of SB 193 on the basis of Article V, Section 7 of the Ohio Constitution.

Why the Party needs to circulate petitions now

The law requires us to circulate petitions containing more than 55,000 valid signatures (with at least 500 each from eight of Ohio’s 16 Congressional Districts), and file them by August 2023 to allow our candidates to show the Libertarian label on the ballot. Because petition gathering usually results in a large number of invalid signatures, the state party will attempt to gather at least 110,000 signatures statewide.  The Libertarian Party of Ohio office will be open throughout this year to receive and validate signatures using a method proven successful in our effort to get our 2020 Presidential candidate Gary Johnson on the Ohio ballot as a Libertarian. Volunteers are validating the signatures in a process so laborious that — to do the process correctly — it would take a full-time employee over a year and a half to validate the petitions.

Get involved today!

2022 1st Ohio Primary Election Instructions

TOMORROW, MAY 3RD is the first Ohio Primary Election for 2022.

tl;dr If you are a Libertarian in Ohio, be certain to pull an “issues only” ballot for the Ohio Primary Election.

If you intend to join or remain a member of the Libertarian Party of Ohio, and also intend to vote in the Ohio Primary, you must remember to request an “issues only” ballot from your poll workers.Be sure to verify that you were issued an “issues only” ballot and do not have primary candidates for the Republican or Democratic parties.If you do participate in either major party primary you will not be eligible for elected, and in some cases appointed, roles in the state and county Libertarian Parties in Ohio.Be kind and considerate, most poll workers are volunteers and received an hour of rushed training.