FTA/ The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has proposed a policy (pdf) that would remove nearly all existing portable gas generators from the market. The new rule restricts the amount of carbon monoxide that generators can emit by forcing these generators to switch off when they reach a certain level of emissions. /
Category: News Clippings
News and Commentary from around the county and state.
“Why Biden may have to forfeit the first contest in his re-election bid to Marianne Williamson or RFK Jr.”
Joe Biden has already lost the New Hampshire and Iowa Democratic primaries that won’t happen for a year.
At this point we’re shocked Democrats will still have their sham primaries.
We all know it’s a fraud.
(Yes, we know Iowa actually has a caucus, but no one cares.
“Army aviators, ready to leave the military, are told they owe 3 more years instead”
FTA/ In an email sent on Sept. 1, 2022, a career manager with the Army Human Resources Command told an officer that his service obligation runs concurrently. But when he sat down with a manager last week, he said he did not get that same clear answer.
“It’s demoralizing,” said the officer, who has been living apart from his wife for years because she could not relocate for work. “This isn’t the life we thought it was.”
A former aviation captain — one of the last to leave the Army without serving her BRADSO requirement consecutively — said she had “many panic attacks” after learning the Army considered her to be among those who left before eligibility.
“It’s a huge relief that I got out, but I have a lot of sorrow and pity for the others,” said the former officer, whose request last April to be discharged was granted.
She asked to remain anonymous out of fear of being pulled back into service, as her nearly 2-year-old daughter cooed beside her.
On Thursday, Army officials said that at least 20 aviation officers were discharged without serving their BRADSO obligations consecutively but that they would not pull any of them back to serve retroactively.
Stitt said the Army needed a few more weeks to fully understand the scope of the issue, including how many officers are affected. /
“Inside China’s brutal execution system with mobile injection vans & firing squads after killing most in the world”
News Clippings
There are still people who are convinced that socialism, or it’s close cousin, communism, “just haven’t been done right”.
“Democratic socialism” is the most recent rebranding these systems of evil.
Here is a timely reminder of what happens when socialism and communism “works”.
While other nations had total figures, China’s shadowy death penalty system left the human rights group only able to offer a grim estimate of “thousands”.
FTA/ Firing squads and lethal injections are two favourite methods of execution used by China.
Killer jabs were legalised by the regime in the 90s and are sometimes administered in one of the state’s mobile “execution vans”.
Convicts are said to loaded into van and strapped to a table where they administered the lethal injection.
Organs are then believed harvested from executed prisoners without any permission for use in medicine and scientific experiments.
Amnesty International has named China as the world’s worst executor by a large margin – with its body count believed to be larger than the rest of the world’s combine total of 657.
While other nations had total figures, China’s shadowy death penalty system left the human rights group only able to offer a grim estimate of “thousands”.
Amnesty’s China researcher Kai Ong told The Sun Online how China often holds mass rallies to announce people being sentenced to death in medieval-style public trials.
Ms Ong said: “The Chinese government still sees the use of the death penalty as an effective deterrent to crimes.
“Each June, local governments often hold mass sentencing rallies, in which students, teachers and the public are invited to witness the court handing down death penalty to individuals convicted of drug-related crimes.” /
You can vote your way into socialism or communism, but you have to shoot your way out.
Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13939633/china-brutal-execution-death-vans-trials/
Additional source: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/international/executions-around-the-world
“Dubious distinction for Ohio GOP leaders: Only ones in US to ignore a court order”
News Clippings
FTA/ That ultimate weapon of the judicial system, finding someone in contempt of court for violating its order, was not realistic, O’Connor said. …
“I don’t have a force that would go over and handcuff them if they were found to be in contempt.” /
When the Supreme Court of Ohio holds anyone on contempt, any county sheriff is enpowered to arrest and hold them.
The fact that life long Republican politico Maureen O’Connor, Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, doesn’t have confidence in the power of judicial censure, at the highest level, lays bare that we are not a state of laws, but corruption and dirty influence.
How can we pretend to have “free and fair” elections when we don’t even trust the lines in the sand?
With O’Connor retired and the seismic shift in the Ohio Supreme Court, can we expect even this tepid rebuke in the future?
Packed with reliable rubber stamps, including his own son and recently appointed life long crony, will the Ohio Supreme Court finally shrug off the pretense of fair justice and turn actively hostile to any and all that dare oppose the DeWine regime?
How will Ohio thrive with two branches of state govt fully grasped in the clutches of one family?
Source: https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/dubious-distinction-for-ohio-gop-leaders-only-ones-in-us-to-ignore-a-court-order-republicans-government-maureen-oconnor-mike-dewine-steven-huefner
Additional Reference: https://governor.ohio.gov/media/appointments/governor-dewine-to-appoint-joseph-t-deters-to-ohio-supreme-court-12222022