Regarding the 2018 election and moving forward

From the Chair, Franklin County Libertarians

Another election come and gone.

We are so very proud of every candidate, volunteer, donor and supporters. We cannot adequately express our sincere thanks and admiration for all of your hard work.
Without your tireless efforts none of this would be possible.

Elections are hard on everyone involved. Someone always wins, lots of people lose. When we win we get to point to the victory, whatever the cost, and say it was worth it. Without a win to wash away all the sacrifice and pain, we only have our imagination to wonder what went wrong.

“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”

Take a break, be sad, be mad, and be ready to move forward.

After The Election

At this point the Ohio Secretary of State has published unofficial election results and they are not flattering for the Libertarian Party of Ohio.

At last update our campaign for Ohio Governor earned 77,184 votes for 1.79%. This is shy of the 3% widely publicized as required to maintain ballot access for a Minor Party. (Other sources cite higher numbers, notably at 108,886 with 2.5%) The final count from each county board of elections will be certified in 30 days.

What has not been widely published is the fact that as a newly formed Minor Party, only 118 days old, we are covered by additional rules in the Ohio Revised Code, specifically, Chapter 3501.01 section F, 2, (b).
“A newly formed political party shall be known as a minor political party until the time of the first election for governor or president which occurs not less than twelve months subsequent to the formation of such party, after which election the status of such party shall be determined by the vote for the office of governor or president.”

Emphasis ours. “_which occurs not less than twelve months subsequent to the formation of such party_”

What this means, in plain language, is the Libertarian Party of Ohio is an official Minor Party until after the next Presidential election in 2 years, when our status will be reviewed again under the results from that election.
Whether the incoming Ohio Secretary of State decides to follow the law as written, or ignore it again as politically inconvenient, depends entirely on how politically ambitious they are as newly elected to the role. (This particular uncertainty is why we chose to focus so entirely on the 2018 election Nov 6th as our first best option for retaining ballot access.)

What’s next?

The next party primary is May 7th, 2019. It is currently expected that we will be included in this primary and participate as a political party. We are moving forward on this assumption, and will recruit, plan, and fundraise accordingly. This will be the first concrete opportunity to force the issue of party status and we intend to do so.

Anything sooner?

We live here, we like it here and we are working together to make it better.
We are members of our local communities and there are opportunities every day to be involved.
We invite you to join us and prove to everyone, we will not stand down, we will not go away, and we will not stop fighting for liberty.

Look for our upcoming Legislative Committee Meeting announcement and agenda.

Join us at our next Executive Committee Meeting, Tuesday Nov 20th at 7pm, LPO Office, 6230 Busch Blvd, 43229

Join us for our Volunteer Appreciation Social, Wed Dec 19th at 6:30pm at Eclipse Ultra Lounge at The Continent 6240 Busch Blvd, 43229

Your friend in liberty,
Michael Sweeney
Chair, Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio

OHGOP threatens woman’s right to vote.

Candidacy for District 77 questioned over married name change.

Call to Action: Attend, Call or Email!

There is a Board of Elections hearing TODAY at 4:15pm to decide if Kryssi Wichers will appear on the ballot in November and be counted toward winning the race for State Representative for District 77.
If you can attend, PLEASE BE THERE EARLY! If you cannot attend, please call or email the Board of Elections that you support Kryssi against this outrageous accusation and obvious attempt to throw the election to her opponent.

Fairfield County Board of Elections
951 Liberty Dr, Lancaster, Ohio 43130
Call (740) 652-7000
Contact by Email
Facebook Event

The Franklin County Libertarian Party strongly condemns these bullying tactics and demand that the Fairfield Board of Elections look closely at the motives and timing from this complaint as a basis for electioneering on the part of the Ohio Republican Party.
Attacking any persons right to vote is an attack on the foundations of our constitutional republic, and the process of democracy.
We join the Fairfield County Republican Liberty Caucus, the Democratic candidate for District 77, Green Party candidate and Ohioans all over in decrying this blatant effort to discredit a strong, independent woman who lives, works and serves in her community.

Here is what we know so far…

In a bizarre twist in an otherwise run of the mill election for District 77 State Representative, the Ohio GOP has filed complaint with the Fairfield County Board of Elections challenging a woman’s right to vote.
The woman in this question is no other than our own Kryssi Wichers, Political Director for FCLPO, Deputy Vice Chair for LPO and candidate on the ballot for State Representative for District 77.
The OHGOG has filed claim, using the name of a Pickerington resident, that Kryssi is committing voter fraud, misrepresenting herself and asking that she be removed from the ballot.
The claim centers on the fact that Kryssi got married a year ago and went through all the legal channels to take her husbands last name, in a long tradition of marriage.

With everything else going on we wonder why the Ohio Republican Party is suddenly so very interested in Mrs. Wichers and what name she used to legally petition, file and appear on the ballot on Nov 6th?
Sources close to the OHGOP have revealed that District 77 is far from the “hum drum” race would we be led to believe.
Apparently, internal Republican polling has Mrs. Wichers in the lead, or very close, in a three way race.
With this knowledge the desperate and incredible accusation becomes clear. The Ohio Republican Party is using the Board of Elections as a pawn to eliminate a real contender for a seat they assumed was theirs.
They put no effort into backing their candidate, a washed up career politician with little to no real interest in his community or finding solutions to the problems he helped create. After a year of phoning it in and expecting an easy win, this opposing candidate is in total panic that they may lose to a better choice for the community, who has had less than two months to campaign and let people even know they exist.
The Franklin County Libertarian Party strongly condemns these bullying tactics and demand that the Fairfield Board or Elections look closely at the motives and timing from this complaint as a basis for electioneering on the part of the Ohio Republican Party.
Attacking any persons right to vote is an attack on the foundations of our constitutional republic, and the process of democracy.
We join the Fairfield County Republican Liberty Caucus, the Democratic candidate for District 77, Green Party candidate and Ohioans all over in decrying this blatant effort to discredit a strong, independent woman who lives, works and serves in her community.

Kryssi is endorsed by the Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom. The Fairfield County Republican Party and Democratic opponent for District 77, among many others, have strong and publicly disagreed with the action taken by the OHGOP.

Excluded from the debate?! Travis will tweet!

Travis Irvine will not be silenced.

Despite being excluded from the Governor’s Debate tonight, and no invites yet for the two coming next month, Travis Irvine will make his answers available for everyone.
Help us get Travis trending! Follow along, comment and retweet at:

Let’s make a noise that can’t be ignored!

Please consider donating!

Watch Governor Candidate Travis Irvine interview with NBC4i

Watch Travis Irvine interview with NBC4i
Watch Travis Irvine interview with NBC4i
Travis Irvine recently sat down with NBC4i to discuss pressing matters for the state of Ohio and its citizens.

When asked about voters that supported Dennis Kucinich in the Democratic primary and Mary Taylor in the Republican primary was candid about understanding their issues.

Donate today to support Irvine for Ohio and our Libertarian candidates across the state!
Donate today to support Irvine for Ohio and our Libertarian candidates across the state!

“Basically, both groups of voters are single-issue voters,” Irvine said. “With Dennis Kucinich, his numbers were higher in counties where the opioid crisis is ravaging communities and the reason he got higher numbers there is because he spoke about legalizing marijuana.”

The Libertarian Party has always supported the legalization of marijuana for all uses and many people believe that marijuana could be a way to wean those struggling with addiction off opioids.

Regarding supporters of Mary Taylor, Travis says it comes down to what people think of Mike DeWine.

“Mike DeWine is an old, establishment Republican, people don’t know where he stands on issues,” Irvine said. “People are looking for new options. The Libertarians offer people an outsider perspective into politics.”

You can watch the full interview.

Donate today to support Irvine for Ohio and our Libertarian candidates across the state!

Irvine for Ohio Endorsed By Charlie Earl!

From August 28, 2018

Therefore, I enthusiastically and unequivocally endorse Travis Irvine for governor of Ohio and Todd Grayson for lieutenant governor of our state.”

COLUMBUS—Libertarian Travis Irvine received the first major endorsement of his campaign for Ohio governor Tuesday from Charlie Earl, the party’s 2014 candidate for the same office.

Support Libertarian Candidates across Franklin County and Ohio!

Earl, an ex-Republican who represented the 80th district in the Ohio House from 1981 to 1984, released the following statement Tuesday:


“With the ever-increasing growth and interference of the federal government affecting our daily lives, it is vital that the citizens of Ohio elect a governor and lieutenant governor who are dedicated to individual liberty. Gubernatorial candidate Travis Irvine and Todd Grayson, his running mate, are prime examples of the type of public servants Ohioans require. Our historic reliance on the two-party system has led to the betrayal of our people and the undermining of our democratic republic. Travis and Todd represent a new beginning for Ohio. Fresh ideas and liberty-driven energy are the cornerstones of their efforts to return our state government to its rightful place as a responsive servant of the people rather than a master of our fates.

“Therefore, I enthusiastically and unequivocally endorse Travis Irvine for governor of Ohio and Todd Grayson for lieutenant governor of our state. Their commitments to liberty and their lack of relationships with the Ohio version of the “Swamp” makes them the most qualified for leading us forward. Please vote for Ohio. Please vote for liberty. Please vote to end the two-party strangulation of our potential. I urge you to vote for Irvine/Grayson on November 6th.”

“I’m extremely grateful to receive the support of a great man and great candidate like Charlie Earl, and I plan to pick up where he was forced to leave off in standing up for Ohio against the two corrupt parties that control Columbus,” said Irvine in response to Earl’s endorsement.

Earl’s 2014 run for governor, which would have easily won enough votes to retain ballot access for the Libertarian Party, was derailed when Secretary of State John Husted first certified Earl’s candidacy, then removed Earl’s name from the ballot after Republican party officials orchestrated a technical challenge to Earl’s petition. Though the rule in question was ambiguous had never been enforced for Republican or Democrat petitions, Husted’s ruling was upheld, forcing the Libertarian Party of Ohio to regain ballot access by spending more than $250,000 on getting more 100,00 signatures from Ohio voters.

Learn more about Irvine for Ohio.

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