Libertarian candidates are on the front lines working for real change in our political system. They deserve your vote, your time, and your donations.
If you are interested in donating or volunteering for candidates you can fill out our volunteer form, and we will forward you to the appropriate campaign resource. You can also donate directly to FCLPO using the link below and indicate a preference for the candidate we should forward your support.
Donate to FCLPO
Candidates Wanted for 2025
As a Libertarian you should consider a run for local office. Here are four reasons to consider running for office:
- Because Columbus is a very large city with a small at-large city council, the easiest race for a Columbus city resident to run for is … State Representative!
- You get valuable experience running a campaign. It will also make you more valuable to the Party, since experienced campaign managers are hard to find.
- You will have technical support from our county party, an experienced political group, whose prime responsibility for the LPO is candidate recruitment and development.
- As former speaker of the U.S. House Tip O’Neill famously said, “all politics is local”. Laws are usually written to be enforced at the local level. Political campaigns are built on support at the local level like bricks in a wall. This is where you’ll get your base of future donors and supporters.
Not a polished public speaker? We can fix that. Don’t know where to start? We can fix that, too. But if you have a passion for liberty and the desire to apply that passion to your city, village, township, or school board, you should definitely consider running for office.
Take a look at our 27-minute video “Candidate Quick Start Guide” to get a better idea of what is involved in running for political office. If you think this is for you, contact us to discuss it further.
The next step is to get on the our candidate list by going to the candidate information form on our website. See you on the campaign trail!