Amendment Proposal: Elimination of Townships and Reallocation of Their Powers and Responsibilities

Section 1: Purpose

The purpose of this amendment is to streamline local governance in the State of Ohio by eliminating the township form of government and redistributing its powers, responsibilities, and resources to counties and municipalities. This change aims to reduce redundancy, enhance governmental efficiency, and improve service delivery to Ohio residents.

Section 2: Elimination of Townships

(A) Effective [insert date], the township form of government is hereby abolished in the State of Ohio.

(B) All legal, administrative, and fiscal functions currently exercised by township governments shall be reassigned to counties and municipalities in accordance with this amendment.

Section 3: Redistribution of Powers and Responsibilities

(A) County governments shall assume responsibility for:
(1) Road maintenance and infrastructure formerly under township control.
(2) Zoning and land-use planning not currently managed by municipalities.
(3) Cemetery operations and maintenance.
(4) Any additional services or responsibilities as determined by the General Assembly.

(B) Municipalities shall assume jurisdiction over local services within their existing boundaries, including:
(1) Law enforcement and fire protection where previously provided by townships.
(2) Local parks and recreation services.

(C) The General Assembly shall establish a transitional commission to oversee the reassignment of responsibilities, ensuring continuity of services for all Ohio residents.

Section 4: Transfer of Assets and Liabilities

(A) All township assets, including but not limited to real property, equipment, financial accounts, and records, shall be transferred to the respective county or municipality based on the location of the asset or the nature of its use.

(B) All township liabilities, including but not limited to outstanding debts and contractual obligations, shall be assumed by counties or municipalities in proportion to their jurisdictional authority or benefit.

(C) The General Assembly shall enact laws to facilitate the equitable redistribution of township resources.

Section 5: Transitional Governance

(A) A temporary commission, known as the Ohio Township Transition Commission, shall be established within 90 days of this amendment’s ratification.
(1) The Commission shall include representatives from counties, municipalities, and state government.
(2) The Commission shall develop and publish a comprehensive transition plan within one year of its formation.

(B) Township officials holding office on the effective date of this amendment shall serve as advisors to the Transition Commission until their terms expire.

Section 6: Amendments to Existing Laws

(A) The General Assembly shall amend or repeal all state laws that conflict with the elimination of townships as required by this amendment.

(B) Counties and municipalities shall have two years from the effective date of this amendment to adopt ordinances or resolutions necessary to fulfill their new responsibilities.

Section 7: Severability Clause

If any provision of this amendment is held invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Submission to the Electorate

This amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Ohio at the next general election occurring at least 90 days after its ratification by the General Assembly.

This is a draft proposal for discussion purposes only and not endorsed by FCLPO.